Archives April 2023

Sell feelings, not features

Sell Feelings, Not Features: Create Winning Copy

In the competitive social media landscape, writing copy that stands out from the competition is an absolute must. To truly make an impact, your social media copywriting should evoke feelings, not just list product features. In this blog post, we’ll explore why selling feelings is crucial for businesses, how to evoke emotions in your marketing, and how this approach leads to long-lasting customer relationships and increased sales.

The Emotional Advantage in Social Media Marketing

Love at First Like: The Emotional Pull of Purchasing

Research shows that an astounding 90% of purchasing decisions are driven by emotions rather than rational thinking. By tapping into emotions, you can appeal to customers’ desires and aspirations, turning casual social media scrollers into loyal brand followers. Take, for example, a jewelry brand that shares stories of love, commitment, and special moments on their social media. These emotional connections can turn a simple accessory into a cherished symbol, making people fall in love with the brand first and then find reasons to justify their purchases. Thus, emotionally charged copywriting is essential for social media success.

Brand Loyalty: When Hearts and Wallets Align

Emotionally connected customers are more likely to stay true to a brand and make repeat purchases. By building an emotional rapport on social media, you can establish long-lasting relationships with your audience and foster brand loyalty, ultimately leading to a solid customer base and boosted revenue. Consider how Apple has cultivated a sense of community and belonging among its customers through engaging and emotion-driven social media content. This emotional connection keeps customers coming back for more, eagerly anticipating new product releases.

Shareable Content: The Emotional Domino Effect

Content with an emotional punch is twice as likely to be shared as purely factual content. By infusing your social media copy with passion and excitement, you can spark organic conversations and create a buzz around your brand. For example, a fitness brand might share inspiring stories of personal transformation, eliciting feelings of awe and motivation. This emotional content encourages users to share the posts with their networks, ultimately widening the brand’s audience. Harnessing the power of emotion on social media can lead to exponential growth.

The Art of Emotional Copywriting for Social Media

Spin a Tale: Storytelling that Resonates

Storytelling is a powerful tool for evoking emotions and creating memorable experiences, especially on social media. Craft stories that resonate with your target audience, illustrating how your product or service can enhance their lives. A travel agency, for instance, could share the story of a couple’s dream honeymoon adventure, highlighting the unforgettable memories and breathtaking locations. By incorporating storytelling into your social media copy, you can captivate your audience and engage them emotionally.

Visuals That Speak Volumes

Visuals are crucial for emotional marketing on social media. Images can evoke feelings and convey your brand’s message in ways that text alone cannot. Pair powerful imagery with your storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience. For example, a nonprofit organization might use a combination of heartwarming photos and personal stories to communicate the positive impact their efforts have on the community. These visuals serve to evoke empathy and encourage followers to support the cause.

Testimonials: The Power of Real-life Experiences

Social proof, such as customer testimonials and reviews, can help build trust and credibility for your brand on social media. By showcasing real-life experiences of satisfied customers, you can evoke emotions and demonstrate the positive impact of your product or service on people’s lives. An online education platform, for instance, could share success stories of students who have landed their dream jobs or started their own businesses after completing a course. These testimonials instill a sense of hope and motivation in potential customers, encouraging them to enroll and achieve their own goals.

Emotional Triggers: The Secret Sauce

Different emotions can trigger specific actions in your audience. For example, fear can drive urgency, while happiness can encourage sharing. Understand which emotions align with your brand and target audience, and use them to craft your social media copy and sell feelings effectively. A cybersecurity company, for example, might use fear as an emotional trigger by sharing alarming statistics about data breaches and emphasizing the importance of protecting sensitive information. This sense of urgency can prompt potential customers to take action and invest in cybersecurity solutions.

The Benefits of Emotional Copywriting for Social Media

Win Hearts, Win Customers

When you evoke emotions on social media, you’re more likely to attract and convert prospects into customers. By appealing to their emotions and demonstrating how your product or service can make a difference in their lives, you can inspire them to take action and make a purchase. For instance, a pet adoption center could share heartwarming stories of rescued animals finding their forever homes. These emotional stories can inspire followers to adopt a pet or support the organization, ultimately increasing adoption rates and donations.

Keep Customers Coming Back for More

Emotional copywriting on social media helps create emotional connections with your customers, leading to stronger brand loyalty. When customers associate your brand with positive feelings, they’re more likely to stick around and make repeat purchases, increasing your customer lifetime value. A skincare brand, for example, might share user-generated content featuring glowing, happy customers who have experienced noticeable improvements in their skin. These positive emotions can keep customers coming back for more, confident in the brand’s ability to deliver results.

The Ripple Effect of Emotional Copywriting

As mentioned earlier, emotionally charged content is shared more frequently than purely factual content. By evoking emotions through your social media copy, you can encourage your audience to spread the word about your brand, leading to increased brand awareness and growth. A restaurant, for example, could share mouth-watering images of their dishes accompanied by vivid descriptions that evoke feelings of hunger and desire. This tantalizing content can entice followers to share with their friends, expanding the restaurant’s reach and attracting new patrons.

Emotional copywriting on social media is a game-changing strategy that can unlock business success. By understanding the emotions that drive purchasing decisions and leveraging them in your social media copy, you can build strong emotional connections with your audience, foster brand loyalty, and ultimately boost sales. So, go ahead and tug at those heartstrings, and watch your social media presence flourish.

how to market yourself on patreon

Marketing Yourself on Patreon: Tips for Creators

Are you a content creator looking to make a living from your passion? Look no further than Patreon! With millions of active users, it’s the perfect platform to monetize your work by offering exclusive content and rewards to your patrons in exchange for a monthly subscription fee.

Patreon is a subscription-based platform that functions as an exclusive club for its subscribers. It allows creators to monetize their services, advice, and specialized content, as well as interact with their fans. Types of content you’ll find on Patreon include sneak peeks of upcoming projects, personalized messages, tutorials, lessons, exclusive merchandise, and digital downloads. The kind of material you find on Patreon truly depends on the creator and their niche.

But creating a Patreon page isn’t enough to succeed. To build a strong following and attract more patrons, you need to market yourself effectively. Here are some tips to help you stand out from the crowd:

Define Your Niche and Target Audience

To begin with, define your niche and target audience. Consider what type of content you want to create and who your audience is. This will help you create content that resonates with your audience and helps you stand out from the crowd.

Create a Compelling Profile

Your Patreon profile is your online storefront. Make sure it’s complete with a professional profile picture, an engaging bio, and a clear description of your work. Use high-quality images and videos to showcase your work and make it easy for patrons to understand what they can expect from you.

Offer Exclusive Content and Rewards

One of the biggest draws of Patreon is the exclusive content and rewards creators offer to their patrons. To attract more patrons, you need to offer something unique and valuable. This could be early access to your work, behind-the-scenes content, personalized messages, or exclusive merchandise.

Leverage Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for marketing on Patreon. You can use platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to promote your Patreon page and engage with your audience. Share sneak peeks of your upcoming projects, behind-the-scenes content, and exclusive offers to entice your followers to become your patrons.

Collaborate with Other Creators

Collaborating with other creators is a great way to expand your reach on Patreon. Look for creators in your niche who have a similar target audience and reach out to them for collaborations. You could create joint content, cross-promote each other’s work, or offer exclusive discounts to each other’s patrons.

Engage with Your Patrons

Engaging with your patrons is key to retaining them and attracting new ones. Make sure to thank your patrons for their support, respond to their messages and comments, and ask for their feedback. This will create a sense of community around your work and make your patrons feel valued.

Be Consistent and Transparent

Consistency and transparency are essential for building trust with your patrons. Make sure to deliver on your promises and offer regular updates on your work. Be transparent about your goals and how you plan to use your patrons’ support. This will help you build a loyal following and attract new patrons.

Analyze Your Metrics

Analyzing your Patreon metrics is essential for understanding what works and what doesn’t in your marketing strategy. Keep an eye on your patron growth, engagement rate, and revenue, and use this data to optimize your content and marketing strategy.

Promote Your Patreon Everywhere

Make sure to promote your Patreon page everywhere you can, including your website, email newsletter, business cards, and any other marketing material. The more exposure your Patreon page gets, the more likely you are to attract new patrons.

Never Stop Learning and Experimenting

Finally, never stop learning and experimenting with your marketing strategy. Keep up to date with the latest trends and best practices, and be willing to try new things. What works for one creator may not work for another, so be open to experimenting and finding what works.

In conclusion, marketing yourself on Patreon requires creativity, consistency, and transparency. By defining your niche, creating a compelling profile, offering exclusive content and rewards, leveraging social media, collaborating with other creators, engaging with your subscribers, being consistent and transparent, analyzing your metrics, promoting your Patreon page everywhere, and never stop learning and experimenting, you can attract more patrons and build a successful career on Patreon.

Remember that Patreon is not only a platform for monetizing your work but also a community of supporters who believe in your talent and want to see you succeed. By building a strong relationship with your patrons, you can not only achieve financial stability but also gain a loyal fan base that will support you throughout your career.

The Importance of Brand Voice

In today’s world of social media noise, it’s become increasingly important for companies to have a strong and unique brand voice. A brand’s voice refers to the personality and tone that a business uses to communicate with its target audience. This voice is expressed through messaging and content, whether through advertising, social media, or other marketing channels.

In this blog post, I will help you understand why brand voice is crucial and how it can impact your business’s success. I’ll share information on how a strong brand voice can help you differentiate your company from its competitors, foster customer loyalty, and boost brand recognition.

What Exactly is Brand Voice?

Brand voice encompasses the tone, language, and personality used by a brand in communicating with its customers. It’s a way for a brand to convey its values, beliefs, and culture to its target audience. By using a consistent brand voice, businesses can help customers connect with their brand and understand what it stands for.  It helps align the visuals with the message you are wanting to convey.

Why is Brand Voice So Important?


In today’s overcrowded marketplaces, differentiation is key to standing out from competitors. A strong brand voice can help a business differentiate itself and rise above the notice by expressing its unique personality and values. This can help customers connect with the brand on a deeper level and create a sense of loyalty.

Increased Customer Loyalty

A consistent brand voice can also help to build customer loyalty. When customers feel a connection to a brand, they are more likely to become repeat customers and recommend the brand to others. A strong brand voice can help to create a sense of community around a brand, fostering a loyal customer base.

Brand Awareness

Brand voice can play a crucial role in increasing brand awareness. A strong, consistent brand voice can help to create a recognizable identity for a brand. This can help customers remember the brand and what it stands for.

How to Develop a Strong Brand Voice

Developing a strong brand voice involves identifying the values and personality of a brand and expressing them in a consistent manner across all communication channels. Here are some steps to develop a strong brand voice:

Define Your Brand’s Values

Begin by defining the values and personality of your brand. What does your brand stand for? What are its core beliefs and principles? Once you have identified these values, you can use them to guide your brand voice.  For example, if understanding and kindness is your brand’s value, your words will convey a tone of empathy and understanding.  In contrast, if your brand aims to establish your expertise in the marketplace, your words will be designed to convey authority.

Know Your Target Audience

Understanding your target audience is key to developing a brand voice that resonates with them. What tone and language will they respond to? What values are important to them? This information can help you develop a brand voice that speaks directly to your target audience.

Be Consistent

Consistency is crucial when developing a brand voice. Ensure that your brand voice is consistent across all communication channels, including advertising, social media, and other forms of marketing. This will help to create a recognizable identity for your brand and build customer loyalty and trust.

Evolve Over Time

A brand voice should evolve over time as a business grows and changes. Regularly reassess your brand voice to ensure that it still aligns with your brand’s values and resonates with your target audience.

In Summary

A strong brand voice is an essential ingredient for any successful business. It can help to differentiate a brand from its competitors, foster customer loyalty, and boost brand recognition. By developing a consistent brand voice that aligns with your brand’s values and speaks directly to your target audience, you can create a strong, recognizable brand identity that will help your business thrive.