Short-Form Video

10 Pro Tips to Ace Vertical Video: Mastering the Short-Form Game in 2023

In the era of quick consumption and shortened attention spans, short-form vertical videos have risen to prominence, reshaping the digital content landscape. With 66% of consumers reporting short-form video as the most engaging type of social media content in 20221, there’s never been a better time to Short-Form Videoperfect your short-form video strategy. Here are ten tips to make your vertical videos stand out and resonate with your audience:

  1. Embrace Vertical Content: Designed primarily for mobile devices, most short-form video platforms favor the vertical format. This orientation ensures videos fill the entire phone screen, offering viewers an immersive and unobstructed experience. Remember, 73% of consumers prefer short-form videos to learn about products or services, making the format pivotal to user engagement.
  2. Keep It Short and Sweet: The essence of short-form videos lies in their brevity. While optimal lengths can vary, aiming for a duration between 5 and 90 seconds ensures content remains snappy and digestible, fitting the rapid consumption patterns of modern audiences.
  3. Leverage Captions: With many users browsing without sound, captions become indispensable. They not only make your videos accessible but also ensure the core message gets through, enhancing viewer engagement even in silent mode.
  4. Prioritize Stunning Visuals: Given that visuals often serve as the first point of engagement, it’s vital to invest in high-quality graphics, animations, and visuals. Such eye-catching elements can make your content memorable in a sea of endless scrolling.
  5. Narrate a Story: Even within the constraints of short-form content, storytelling has the power to emotionally resonate with viewers. A structured narrative can guide the viewer, creating a memorable journey in just a few seconds.
  6. Harness the Power of Audio: While visuals are paramount, audio elements like background music or sound effects can amplify the emotional impact, setting the tone and ambiance for your content, leading to a richer viewer experience.
  7. Dive Deep into Analytics: In a world where 90% of marketers are ramping up their short-form video budgets3, understanding your content’s performance is crucial. Use analytical tools to measure metrics like views and engagement, refining your strategy based on data-driven insights.
  8. Begin with a Bang: First impressions matter immensely in the digital world. Start your content with a compelling hook, whether through riveting visuals, intriguing text, or a gripping narrative, ensuring your audience remains glued to the screen.
  9. Repurpose Wisely: Creating fresh content can be resource-intensive. Instead, breathe new life into existing content. Utilizing previously created footage or images in innovative ways can provide fresh perspectives without exhaustive effort.
  10. Stay Genuine and Authentic: In an age dominated by polished content, authenticity shines through. Highlighting the genuine faces and stories behind your brand can foster deeper connections with your audience. Remember, it’s not always about groundbreaking ideas; sometimes, it’s about genuine storytelling.

Incorporating these ten tips can significantly elevate your short-form vertical video strategy, ensuring your content not only captures attention but also leaves a lasting impression.

Instagram maketing mistakes

Instagram Success: Avoiding Common Mistakes

Instagram maketing mistakes

As of 2023, Instagram has firmly established itself as one of the top five social media platforms. Its initial purpose of enabling individuals to share photos has transformed into a valuable tool for businesses seeking to engage with their audience, display their products, and boost brand recognition. Instagram’s visual-oriented nature and extensive user community present a distinct chance to captivate potential customers. However, numerous businesses currently grapple with the absence of a well-defined strategy, resulting in common mistakes that can impede their progress. In this article, we’ll identify these prevalent blunders and provide insights on how to avoid them.

1. Neglecting a Well-Defined Strategy:

One of the most significant missteps businesses make on Instagram is diving in without a clear strategy. It’s like throwing spaghetti against the wall and hoping something sticks. Before you start, outline your objectives, target audience, content themes, and posting schedule. A well-defined strategy will guide your efforts and increase your chances of success.  *Read more about the importance of content marketing.

2. Ignoring the Importance of Visual Quality:

Instagram is a visual platform, and the quality of your visuals matters. Blurry, poorly composed, or unattractive images and videos can deter users from engaging with your content. While most modern phones have capable cameras, it’s essential to compose your photos well and invest in high-quality photography (yes, most phones are just fine!), editing tools, and graphic design to ensure your posts are visually appealing and consistent with your brand.

3. Overlooking the Value of Captions:

While Instagram is primarily a visual platform, captions are essential for conveying your message and building a connection with your audience. Remember that Instagram is mainly an audio-off platform, unlike TikTok. This means that most people rely on captioning on videos instead of audio. Use captions to tell stories, ask questions, provide context, and encourage engagement.

4. Buying Followers or Engagement:

Some businesses fall into the trap of buying fake followers or engagement to inflate their numbers quickly. This tactic not only violates Instagram’s terms of service but also undermines your credibility. Authenticity is crucial on Instagram, so focus on growing your following organically by providing value and engaging with your audience.

5. Inconsistent Posting:

Consistency is key on Instagram. Posting irregularly or sporadically can lead to a loss of engagement and followers. Create a content calendar and stick to a consistent posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and informed. It’s less important how often you post, and more important that you stick to a regular schedule.

6. Ignoring Analytics:

Instagram provides valuable analytics and insights that can help you understand your audience better and measure the success of your campaigns. Failing to use these analytics to refine your strategy is a missed opportunity. Regularly review your data to make informed decisions and adjustments to your marketing efforts.

7. Over-Promotion:

While Instagram is a great platform for marketing products, avoid the mistake of being overly promotional. People come to Instagram for inspiration and connection, not constant sales pitches. Strike a balance between promotional content and engaging, informative, or entertaining posts that provide value to your followers.

8. Neglecting Engagement:

Social media is a two-way street, so don’t just focus on posting content – engage with your audience. Respond to comments, messages, and mentions promptly. Building a genuine connection with your followers can lead to increased loyalty and advocacy.

9. Ignoring Hashtags:

Hashtags are a powerful tool for increasing your discoverability on Instagram. Using relevant and trending hashtags can help your posts reach a broader audience. However, be selective and avoid using too many hashtags, which can come across as spammy.

10. Lack of Adaptation:

Lastly, the digital landscape is constantly evolving, and what works today may not work tomorrow. Avoid the mistake of becoming complacent with your strategy. Stay updated with Instagram’s features and algorithm changes, and be willing to adapt and experiment with new tactics.

11. Blindly Chasing Trends:

The allure of trends can be irresistible, but relentlessly chasing trends can compromise authenticity and consistency. Rather than succumbing to every fleeting trend, it’s advisable to maintain a steadfast commitment to your brand’s identity while judiciously incorporating trends that resonate with your audience.

12. Staying Within Your Comfort Zone:

Refusing to venture beyond your established content formula can result in stagnation. Embracing relevant trends that align with your brand can inject freshness and excitement into your content, fostering growth and engagement.

13. Monologuing Instead of Engaging:

In the nascent stages of Instagram, it functioned primarily as a platform for content sharing. However, in today’s landscape, engaging with your audience is paramount. Failing to initiate conversations, respond to comments, and participate in meaningful exchanges can leave your Instagram strategy feeling one-dimensional and uninspiring.

14. Proceeding Without a Strategic Blueprint:

Gone are the days of spontaneous posting without a plan. Crafting a strategic blueprint is essential for aligning your efforts with specific objectives, understanding your target audience, defining content themes, and adhering to a consistent posting schedule.

15. Overlooking Visual Quality:

Subpar visuals have no place on Instagram, where aesthetics are paramount. Investing in high-quality photography, proficient editing tools, and captivating graphic design is essential for capturing and retaining your audience’s attention.

16. Overemphasis on Sales Pitch:

While Instagram offers a potent platform for product promotion, inundating your audience with sales pitches can be counterproductive. Balancing promotional content with engaging, informative, and entertaining posts enhances the overall user experience and encourages sustained interest.

Instagram can be a valuable asset for businesses when used effectively. By avoiding these common mistakes and embracing best practices, you can harness the platform’s power to connect with your audience, build brand loyalty, and achieve your marketing goals. Remember, success on Instagram is not just about numbers; it’s about fostering genuine relationships and delivering value to your followers.

5 Misconceptions About Social Media Management and Why They’re Wrong

The digital age has brought us unlimited information, narratives, news, and connections around the clock. At the center of this is social media.  At its heart lies social media. Astonishingly, over half (50.64%) of the world’s population engages with social media, and of the 4.57 billion internet users, 83.36% are active on these platforms. Given that ubiquity, one would think that hiring managers would place a premium on having elite social media skills.  Surprisingly, this usually isn’t the case. Let’s dive into some common misunderstandings about social media and debunk them once and for all.

  1. Anyone can run social media accounts for a business.

  • Reasoning: In an age where almost everyone has a personal social media account, it’s easy to assume that managing a business account is just as straightforward.
  • Reality: While anyone can indeed create posts, effective social media management requires strategy, an understanding of analytics, and the ability to engage with audiences in a meaningful manner. It’s about crafting a brand voice, measuring ROI, and setting long-term goals. Personal use doesn’t equate to professional aptitude.
  • Case in point: Imagine inviting Gordon Ramsay to your home-cooked dinner. While both you and Ramsay use stoves and pots, the depth of expertise differs vastly. Similarly, while anyone can post, mastering social media strategy, brand voice, and analytics requires a higher level of expertise. 
  1. Social media success is based on luck.

  • Reasoning: Viral posts often seem to come out of nowhere, leading some to believe it’s all about catching lightning in a bottle.
  • Reality: Behind almost every viral post is a dedicated team analyzing trends, crafting content, and strategizing their release times. While there’s always an element of unpredictability, success in social media leans more on informed strategy than blind luck.
  • Case in Point: Remember the “Ice Bucket Challenge”? While it seemed spontaneous, its spread was a masterclass in understanding online user behavior and leveraging celebrity reach.
  1. Social media management is only for young people.

  • Reasoning: Digital natives, or those who grew up with the internet, often seem to have an inherent understanding of social platforms.
  • Reality: Effective social media management is about understanding human connection, storytelling, and strategy – skills that aren’t age-exclusive. Many experienced professionals bring a wealth of knowledge from traditional media that can be incredibly valuable in the digital space.
  • Case in Point:  I am 52 years old and have worked in marketing since 1994 and digital media since 2000.My deep understanding of leveraging community, copywriting, blogging and consumer behavior has been built over many years. That understanding and knowledge of current social media trends make my knowledge and approach stand out. Experience, strategy, and timeless skills aren’t age-restricted.
  1. Social media management is not a real job.

  • Reasoning: Given that many people use social media for fun, there’s a notion that turning it into a job is just an extension of a hobby.
  • Reality: Social media management involves content creation, analytics, customer service, strategy development, and more. Businesses invest significant resources because they recognize the tangible results a well-managed social presence can produce. Like any profession, it requires skill, dedication, and continuous learning.
  • Case in Point: Consider Vincent van Gogh, whose art was underappreciated in his time but is priceless today. In our era, businesses invest heavily in social media, recognizing its massive ROI potential. Crafting posts, analyzing data, and engaging users isn’t leisurely scrolling—it’s a profession demanding dedication.
  1. Social media management is not a specialized skill.

  • Reasoning: The DIY nature of social media, combined with an array of online tutorials, might make it seem as if professional training isn’t necessary.
  • Reality: While basic posting might not need specialized skills, effective social media management certainly does. Crafting campaigns, interpreting analytics, predicting trends, and understanding platform algorithms are all specialized areas of expertise.
  • Case in Point: Just as owning paint doesn’t make one Picasso, having access to social media platforms doesn’t make one an expert. Take John, who decided to DIY his startup’s social presence, only to see limited engagement. He then hired a specialist who overhauled the strategy, utilized platform-specific tools, and boosted visibility manifold.

Social media, in its deceptive simplicity, has given rise to numerous misconceptions. To recognize its true value and potential, it’s essential to debunk these misunderstandings. Like any tool, its efficacy relies not just on its inherent features, but on the skill and knowledge of the one wielding it.


Brand Kit Mood Board

The Power of a Brand Kit: Its Importance and How to Use It Effectively

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, a brand’s identity plays a pivotal role in how it’s perceived by the public. The Brand Kit (Sometimes called a Mood Board) is at the forefront of building this identity—a toolkit that ensures consistency, recognition, and trust. So, what makes a brand kit so crucial, and how can businesses effectively utilize it?

Why is a Brand Kit Important?

  1. Consistency: Consistency is key in branding. Whether your brand appears on a website, a business card, or a billboard, it should immediately be recognizable. A brand kit ensures that every time your brand is displayed, it has the same look and feel, enhancing brand recall.
  2. Professionalism: Nothing says ‘professional’ more than a brand that maintains consistent graphics, colors, and fonts. It assures clients and customers that they’re dealing with an entity that values its public image.
  3. Builds Trust: Over time, as consumers repeatedly see the same branding, they begin to trust the brand more. This trust can translate into customer loyalty and increased sales.

What Does a Brand Kit Typically Contain?

  1. Logo: This includes variations of the logo (horizontal, vertical, monochrome, etc.) and guidelines on how to use them.
  2. Color Palette: A defined set of primary and secondary colors that represents the brand, along with their specific codes for digital and print use.
  3. Typography: Specific fonts and styles to be used in different contexts, ensuring text elements remain consistent.
  4. Imagery Guidelines: Recommendations for the type of images and photos that resonate with the brand’s persona.
  5. Stationery Designs: Pre-designed templates for business cards, letterheads, and other stationery items.
  6. Other Brand Elements: This can include icons, patterns, or any other design elements unique to the brand.

How Can a Brand Use the Kit? Simply put, the brand kit should be the go-to reference for anyone creating content for the brand, be it digital or print. From designing a new webpage, creating a social media post, launching a marketing campaign, to even printing new business cards—refer to the brand kit. It ensures that all materials align with the brand’s identity, voice, and overall messaging.

Common Mistakes in Branding:

  1. Inconsistency: Perhaps the most frequent mistake, often brands will use different logos, colors, or fonts across different platforms. This hampers brand recall and can confuse the audience.
  2. Overcomplication: Keeping it simple is often the best approach. A complicated logo or too many colors can be off-putting and hard to reproduce accurately.
  3. Following Fads: Just because neon colors or a particular design is trending doesn’t mean it fits your brand. It’s essential to stay true to the brand’s core identity.
  4. Not Updating the Brand Kit: Brands evolve, and so should the brand kit. However, updates should be purposeful and not too frequent, so as not to alienate the existing customer base.
  5. Ignoring Feedback: Customers and employees can offer valuable insights into how the brand is perceived. Ignoring such feedback can lead to missed opportunities for improvement.

A brand kit isn’t just a collection of logos and colors; it’s the very essence of a brand’s identity captured and presented in a cohesive manner. By understanding its importance, knowing its contents, and avoiding common branding pitfalls, businesses can leverage their brand kit to create a lasting and favorable impression in the market.

Examples of Mood Boards/Brand Kits I’ve Created:
Eyes Up World
Live a Life Beyond
New Life Promise

Beyond the Logo: How to Avoid Being a Forgettable Brand

Beyond the Logo: How to Avoid Being a Forgettable Brand

When you think of your favorite brand, what comes to mind? More often than not, it’s not just the logo, is it? It’s the voice they use when they communicate, the values they uphold, the unique experience they provide, and the way they make you feel. This is because effective branding is about much more than just a logo. Here’s why and how to ensure your brand is anything but forgettable.

A Logo is Just the Beginning

There’s no denying that a logo is a critical component of a brand. It’s the emblem people identify with your brand, like the golden arches of McDonald’s, or Apple’s iconic apple. However, a logo is like a handshake – it’s an introduction, not the conversation that follows. The strength of your brand lies in what follows the introduction, in the details that turn a brand from being just memorable to being impactful and engaging.

The Language of Your Brand: Fonts and Stylistic Guides

Think of fonts and stylistic guides as the dialect your brand speaks. They offer a visual consistency that communicates even before a word is read. Coca-Cola, with its distinctive Spencerian script font, offers an excellent example. Its consistent use of the font and its iconic red and white color scheme has helped it maintain a familiar and appealing brand identity. Ignoring this element can make your brand appear inconsistent, reducing its ability to forge a lasting connection with the audience.

The Persona Behind Your Brand: Voice and Image

Your brand voice is the persona behind your brand. It gives your brand character, makes it relatable, and enhances its appeal. The brand voice of Innocent Drinks, with its friendly and informal tone, instantly strikes a chord with its audience, making the brand feel more like a friend than a corporate entity. Alongside voice, your image style guide forms your brand’s visual persona. Apple’s consistent use of clean, minimalist images, for example, amplifies their brand’s core values of simplicity and elegance. Neglecting these elements can make your brand appear faceless, reducing its ability to connect with the audience emotionally.

The Heart and Soul of Your Brand: Values, Personality, and Story

Your brand values, personality, and story are the heart and soul of your brand. They are what you stand for and why you exist. TOMS Shoes, with its “One for One” promise and mission to improve lives, has successfully communicated a compelling brand story that resonates deeply with its audience. Ignoring these elements can make your brand appear shallow, reducing its ability to engage its audience on a meaningful level.

Knowing Your Audience

Understanding your target audience is critical to building an unforgettable brand. The more you understand about the people you are trying to reach, the better you can tailor every aspect of your brand to engage, resonate and convert them. Neglecting to understand your target audience can lead to a brand that is out of touch with its intended consumers, reducing its appeal and relevance.

Carving Your Niche: Brand Positioning

Where does your brand stand in the crowded marketplace? Your brand positioning should highlight why your brand is unique and why it’s the best choice. Dove’s positioning as a brand that celebrates real beauty sets it apart in the beauty industry, making it distinctive and memorable. Failing to position your brand uniquely can make it blend into the crowd, reducing its memorability.

A Consistent Journey: Brand Experience

The brand experience is about every interaction a customer has with your brand. Amazon, known for its unparalleled focus on customer convenience, shows how a positive brand experience can lead to loyalty and advocacy. Overlooking brand experience can lead to lost opportunities for building long-term relationships and loyalty with customers.

A truly unforgettable brand goes beyond the logo. It extends to the voice, the image, the values, the experience – every aspect that connects and resonates with the audience. A logo might make your brand recognizable, but it’s the details that follow the logo that makes your brand unforgettable.

Unlocking the Power of Facebook Groups: How Your Brand Can Thrive in the Digital Community

Imagine you’ve been given a key to unlock insights about your brand’s audience – a window into their wants, needs, and opinions. And what if I told you that the key is a Facebook group? You might be thinking, “Isn’t that just a place for idle chit-chat?” Turns out, it’s way more than that. It’s a golden opportunity to engage with your audience, gather insights, and build brand loyalty. You’d be curious to learn more, right?

Picture yourself, a brand manager, juggling tasks and targets, always looking for ways to connect with your audience. Now, imagine Facebook groups as your secret weapon – a strategy that helps you foster relationships with your customers and tap into their thoughts. It might seem like just another task to handle, but trust me, the payoff is huge.

So, let’s dive into the amazing world of Facebook groups and how you can use them to your advantage.

1. Understanding the Facebook Group Phenomenon

Facebook groups aren’t just for socializing. They’re a space where brands can build a community, share exclusive content, and engage in meaningful conversations. Imagine a tea brand with a Facebook group, where they share unique tea-based recipes, offer special discounts, and have a dedicated space for tea lovers to discuss their favourite blends.

2. Setting Your Facebook Group Goals

Before you dive in, it’s essential to know your objectives. Are you looking to build a community, boost customer engagement, offer exclusive content, gather customer feedback, drive sales, or enhance your brand visibility? Knowing what you want to achieve will guide your Facebook group’s direction.

3. Reaping the Benefits

A thriving Facebook group brings multiple rewards:

  • Building a dedicated community that becomes your brand’s advocates.
  • Creating an interactive space that strengthens connections between your customers and your brand.
  • Providing unique promotions and content that make your customers feel valued.
  • Gaining candid feedback and valuable insights from your most engaged customers.
  • Driving sales and enhancing your brand visibility as your group grows.

4. Creating Your Facebook Group

Setting up a Facebook group is pretty straightforward:

  • Go to your Page and navigate to the Groups section.
  • If you can’t see the option, make sure it’s enabled in your Page settings.
  • Click on “Create Group”.
  • Choose a name that resonates with your brand, set your desired privacy settings, and write a compelling description.
  • Click “Create” to bring your group to life.

5. Mastering Group Management

Having a group is one thing; managing it effectively is another:

  • Stay engaged: Respond to comments and discussions promptly.
  • Encourage participation: Foster a collaborative environment and acknowledge member contributions.
  • Moderate skillfully: Ensure discussions are respectful and on-topic.
  • Use exclusivity as an incentive: Offer unique content and promotions to keep members interested.
  • Stay consistent: Post engaging content regularly to keep members invested in your brand.

6. Growing Your Facebook Group

Strategic growth is essential:

  • Utilize your existing reach: Promote your group on your website, email list, and other social platforms.
  • Engage your customer base: Invite existing customers and email subscribers to join.
  • Foster exclusivity: Offer exclusive content and promotions to entice potential members.
  • Encourage interaction: Stimulate discussions to create a vibrant community.
  • Collaborate: Partner with other brands and influencers for cross-promotion.
  • Leverage Facebook ads: Use ads to reach a wider audience.

7. Harnessing the Power of Your Facebook Group

A thriving Facebook group is a goldmine:

  • Extract Customer Insights: Use the group to get feedback and insights directly from your customers.
  • Offer Exclusive Content: Keep your group members engaged with exclusive offers.
  • Drive Sales: Use your group’s influence to promote new products or services.
  • Enhance Visibility: Your group has the potential to reach new customers by showing up in the Facebook feed.

8. Understanding the Role of Community in Facebook Groups

Community is the heart of any successful Facebook group. It’s not just about marketing your products or services, it’s about fostering a sense of belonging. Groups provide a platform for your audience to connect, not just with your brand, but with each other. This shared community can lead to meaningful conversations, and these insights can help you adapt your products, services, or marketing strategy in real-time.

9. Tapping into the Power of Exclusivity

One of the most powerful benefits of Facebook groups is the ability to offer exclusive content and promotions. People love feeling special, and by offering group-only content or discounts, you’re giving people a reason to stay engaged with your brand. Exclusivity can also entice new customers to join the group, further growing your community.

10. Responding to Customer Feedback

A Facebook group allows your brand to have open, honest discussions with your customers. Whether it’s praise, criticism, or suggestions for improvements, this feedback is invaluable. Responding to this feedback not only shows that you value your customers’ opinions but also enables you to improve and adapt your brand accordingly.

11. Promoting New Products or Services

Launching a new product or service? Your Facebook group is the perfect place to build buzz. Share exclusive sneak peeks, behind-the-scenes content, or early access to new offerings. This not only drives sales but also helps to build anticipation and excitement in your community.

12. Boosting Brand Visibility and Reputation

As your group grows and becomes more active, your brand’s visibility will naturally increase. Each post, comment, or share increases your brand’s reach. Additionally, a thriving community can significantly boost your brand’s reputation. A group filled with positive discussions and happy customers can serve as a powerful testimonial for potential customers.

Facebook groups are more than just another marketing channel. They’re a space for you to listen, engage, and grow with your audience. Yes, it might require effort and time, but the payoff is worth it. Your brand will enjoy increased loyalty, deeper customer understanding, and, of course, enhanced sales and visibility. Ready to create your own thriving Facebook group?

Businesses on Threads

Exploring Threads: Meta’s New Social Media App and How to Navigate it

Exploring Threads: Meta’s New Social Media App and How to Navigate it

Meta, formerly known as Facebook, has recently launched its long-awaited social media platform, Threads, marking a significant shift in the social media landscape. This innovative “text-based conversation app,” as described by Meta’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, is already making waves. Within a day of its launch, Threads boasted more than 30 million users, indicating a potentially strong competitor to Twitter.

The Landscape of Threads

Threads allows users to generate posts of up to 500 characters, embedding links, and attaching images or videos. This platform shows remarkable promise, particularly when compared to Twitter, which has faced multiple controversies since being acquired by Elon Musk last year. The monetization of previously free features, staff cuts, and Musk’s provocative posts have left Twitter users and businesses disgruntled, creating an opening for Meta’s Threads.

A key aspect of Threads’ early success is its interconnectivity with other social media platforms. Users can link their Instagram accounts, making it easier to find and follow their Instagram connections on Threads. For businesses and advertisers, this feature offers a simplified way to scale their reach. Paul Kelly, Director of Analytic Partners, views Threads as a potential “one-stop shop for advertising” due to its integration with Meta’s network.

The Role of Threads for Businesses

Threads seems poised to deliver a valuable platform for businesses, particularly with its initial measures to safeguard brand identity. This app takes lessons from Twitter’s failed verification experiment, providing a robust verification process similar to Instagram’s. Those already verified on Instagram automatically receive verification on Threads, offering reassurance for brands that their identity will be protected.

The platform also appears to be taking a different approach to community moderation. On Twitter, under Musk’s watch, a lax approach to moderation led to a flood of negative messages, making it a minefield for businesses. In contrast, Threads seems keen to promote a healthier, more respectful discourse.

The ability for businesses to increase their reach and shareability on Threads also holds promise. Aubrey Brooks, a data analyst at Buttermilk, believes that content categorization should be a priority for Threads. Tools such as trending topics and content recommendations could amplify the messages of advertisers and enhance their visibility.

Despite the exciting potential of Threads, the platform does have some noticeable gaps in its current iteration. The lack of a desktop website, working hashtags, Direct Messages (DMs), or a dedicated feed for followed users are significant omissions. Also absent are post-scheduling options, and the process of switching between multiple accounts can be cumbersome. However, Instagram’s CEO, Adam Mosseri, has assured users that these features are forthcoming.

Businesses on ThreadsThe Do’s and Don’ts of Threads for Businesses

Understanding the intricacies of this new platform is essential for businesses seeking to maximize their presence on Threads. Here are some do’s and don’ts to consider:

The Do’s

  • Engage Strategically: Use the platform to cultivate genuine connections and foster conversations that are aligned with your audience’s needs and preferences.
  • Maintain Control Over Your Content: Be aware of Threads’ data sharing policies and terms of service.
  • Remain Authentic: Authenticity is key. The early stages of your presence on Threads should be about building relationships with your audience rather than pushing sales.
  • Claim Your Handle: Secure your brand’s handle on Threads early to protect your brand identity and allow for flexibility in your future strategies.
  • Experiment with Content: Capitalize on the unique features of Threads to engage your audience with diverse content styles.
  • Avoid Unnecessary Platforms: Do not feel obligated to use every new platform that comes along. If Threads aligns with your business objectives, great! If not, focus on the platforms that are already yielding results.
  • Stay Updated on Legal Changes: Keep an eye on any changes to the platform’s legal stance and terms of service. These updates can significantly influence your business’s approach to using Threads.
  • Monitor Platform Changes: New platforms like Threads can evolve rapidly based on user feedback. Keep abreast of these changes to ensure your strategies stay relevant.

The Don’ts

  • Over-Promote: Threads, like other social media platforms, is about building connections and fostering genuine engagement. Businesses should refrain from constantly promoting their products or services. Over-promotion can be seen as spammy and can alienate potential customers.
  • Ignore Customer Interactions: Businesses should avoid neglecting user comments or inquiries. Active and meaningful engagement can significantly enhance the brand’s image, showing that the company values its customers’ opinions and feedback.
  • Don’t Link Accounts Without Consideration: Businesses should be cautious when linking their Threads account to other social media platforms like Instagram. Unintended consequences, like account deletion, can arise due to policy differences between platforms. Businesses should thoroughly understand these risks before proceeding.
  • Replicate Content: Replicating the same content across all platforms can make the brand’s messaging stale and repetitive. It’s crucial to leverage Threads’ unique features to create fresh and exciting content that resonates with the platform’s users.
  • Don’t Overcommit Too Soon: While it’s important to secure a presence on Threads early, it’s equally crucial to avoid investing too heavily before understanding the platform’s potential and alignment with the business’s goals. Monitor the platform’s development and user feedback to inform your strategic commitments.

Threads, despite being a newcomer, appears poised to become a significant player in the social media landscape. With its impressive user numbers, features, and connections with Instagram, it provides a genuine opportunity for businesses to expand their social media presence. However, this should be done thoughtfully, taking into account the platform’s current limitations and expected updates. By adhering to the suggested do’s and don’ts, businesses can leverage the potential of Threads while safeguarding their interests.


Unlocking the Power of Long-Tail Keywords: The Secret to Boosting SEO and Driving Targeted Traffic

Long-tail keywords are typically phrases that span three to five words. They are highly specific and tied directly to a particular topic, product, or service that a consumer might be interested in. They earn the name ‘long-tail’ due to their appearance on a chart known as the ‘Search Demand Curve.’ Each long-tail keyword might not be frequently searched on its own, but together, they make up a large portion of all online searches. Utilizing these long-tail keywords in your blog posts can significantly increase your website’s visibility on search engines, attracting more interested visitors. The following section provides more detailed advice on how to effectively use these long-tail keywords in your blog content.

Why are Long Tail Keywords Important? 

Firstly, they draw targeted traffic due to their specificity, attracting audiences with clear intent. For instance, a search for “best waterproof hiking boots for winter” is more likely to result in a purchase than a general search for “boots.” Secondly, these keywords face less competition compared to broader ones, making it easier for a business to secure high rankings in search engine results. Thirdly, the close alignment of long-tail keywords with user intent results in higher conversion rates. Fourthly, search engines favor content that aligns with user intent, so using these keywords can enhance your site’s SEO performance. Additionally, in pay-per-click advertising, long-tail keywords are cost-effective due to their lower competition leading to more qualified conversions. Finally, with the rise of voice-assistant technology, long-tail, conversational queries are becoming more common, and businesses using them can improve their visibility in voice search results. Therefore, long-tail keywords play an indispensable role in a successful SEO strategy in today’s digital marketing landscape.

Discovering Appropriate Long-tail Keywords

The first step to optimizing your blog content is to identify the long-tail keywords that are most pertinent to your blog post. Utilize the capabilities of various keyword research tools to delve into the vast realm of keywords. Your primary focus should be on long-tail keywords that exhibit low competition but still maintain a high search volume. These keywords are usually less competitive but are specific enough to attract targeted traffic. They can effectively bridge the gap between your content and the audience who are actively searching for that information.

Incorporating Long-tail Keywords in the Blog Title

The blog title is a crucial component that search engines analyze to understand the subject matter of your post. By integrating the long-tail keyword into your blog post title, you are providing an immediate signal to search engines about the content’s primary focus. This approach enhances your chances of ranking higher for that particular keyword, leading to improved visibility.

Employing Long-tail Keywords in the Initial 100 words

The first few lines of your blog post hold significant importance for search engines trying to comprehend the theme of your post. Therefore, it is beneficial to use your selected long-tail keyword within the first 100 words of your blog post. This strategic placement can guide search engines and improve your chances of achieving a higher ranking for your keyword.

Natural Usage of Long-tail Keywords

Your blog post should smoothly incorporate long-tail keywords. They should fit seamlessly within the context, maintaining the natural flow of the content. Be cautious to avoid keyword stuffing, an outdated and penalized practice where keywords are overused to the point of hampering readability. This approach can be detrimental to your search engine rankings.

Creating Keyword-rich Headlines

The headlines within your blog post also serve as signposts for search engines. Including your long-tail keyword within these headlines can enhance search engine understanding of your post’s topic. This strategy, coupled with the keyword’s inclusion in the blog title and the initial 100 words, can contribute to boosting your search engine ranking significantly.

Optimizing Meta Descriptions and Alt Text

Meta descriptions and alt text are integral parts of your blog post that can be optimized with long-tail keywords. A meta description is a brief summary of your post that appears in search engine results. Alt text is used to describe images to search engines and visually impaired users. Using your long-tail keyword in these areas can bolster the understanding of search engines regarding your post’s topic, thereby enhancing your chances of ranking for that keyword.

Monitoring Keyword Performance Over Time

An effective long-tail keyword strategy also involves diligent tracking of keyword performance. Observing how your selected keywords perform over time can provide insights into the effectiveness of your choices. These insights can enable you to make more data-driven decisions in the future, ensuring that you continually target the best long-tail keyword options for your content.

By adhering to these comprehensive guidelines, you can significantly enhance your blog content optimization for long-tail keywords. This method will likely lead to improved search engine rankings, higher visibility, and attract a more targeted audience to your website.

etsy keyword research

Mastering Etsy Keyword Research: Tools for Success

Mastering Etsy Keyword Research: Tools for Success

Etsy is a popular online marketplace for handmade and vintage items, as well as unique factory-manufactured products. When it comes to selling on Etsy, having a great product is not enough. You need to have knowledge, insight, and marketing savvy to succeed. With over 4.3 million active sellers and 81.9 million active buyers, it’s important to optimize your listings to stand out from the competition. One way to do this is by using the right keywords in your titles, tags, categories, and attributes. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best Etsy keyword research tools to help you find the right keywords for your listings.

  1. Google Keyword Planner: Google Keyword Planner is a free keyword research tool that provides data on search volume and competition for each keyword. It is a great tool for finding relevant keywords for your listings.
  2. EtsyHunt: EtsyHunt’s keyword research tool lets you browse top searches and identify exact keywords or Etsy tags for your listing. It utilizes Etsy API to analyze real-time search results.
  3. Marmalead: Marmalead is a paid Etsy keyword research tool that provides data on search volume, competition, engagement, and other metrics for each keyword. It also suggests related keywords and provides tips on how to optimize your listings for search engines.
  4. Alura: Alura is a free Etsy keyword research tool that provides a proven keyword research framework that you can easily adapt to your Etsy shop and goals. It teaches you how to find and identify the right keywords for your listing, and how your title, tags, categories, and attributes help your listings appear in relevant Etsy searches.
  5. Sale Samurai: Sale Samurai is a free Etsy keyword research tool that provides data on search volume, competition, and engagement for each keyword. It also suggests related keywords and provides tips on how to optimize your listings for search engines.
  6. Keyword Tool Dominator: Keyword Tool Dominator is a paid Etsy keyword research tool that provides data on search volume, competition, and other metrics for each keyword. It also suggests related keywords and provides tips on how to optimize your listings for search engines.
  7. eRank: eRank is a paid Etsy keyword research tool that provides data on search volume, competition, engagement, and other metrics for each keyword. It also suggests related keywords and provides tips on how to optimize your listings for search engines.
  8. Semrush: Semrush is a paid keyword research tool that provides data on search volume, competition, and other metrics for each keyword. It also suggests related keywords and provides tips on how to optimize your listings for search engines. Semrush has a free account to help you find the right keywords for your shop.
  9. Etsy Search Bar: The Etsy search bar is a free and easy way to find relevant keywords for your listings. Simply type in a keyword related to your product and see what comes up in the search results. You can also use the auto-suggest feature to see what other keywords people are searching for.
  10. Pinterest Search Bar: The Pinterest search bar is another free and easy way to find relevant keywords for your listings. Simply type in a keyword related to your product and see what comes up in the search results. You can also use the auto-suggest feature to see what other keywords people are searching for.
  11. Etsy Ads: Etsy Ads is a paid advertising platform that allows you to promote your listings on Etsy. It also provides data on search volume and competition for each keyword, which can be useful for keyword research.

It’s important to do your homework before listing your product on Etsy. By using these keyword research tools, you can find relevant keywords for your listings and optimize them for search engines, which can help you attract more customers and increase sales. Remember to use all available tags and optimize them, refresh your listings, and monitor new potential keywords to stay ahead of the competition.

Etsy keyword research is an essential part of optimizing your listings for search engines. By using the right keywords, you can increase visibility, attract more customers, and ultimately increase sales. There are several Etsy keyword research tools available, both free and paid, to help you find the right keywords for your listings. It’s important to do your research and find the tool that works best for you and your Etsy shop.

Showcasing Your Event: Storytelling in Social Media Event Marketing

In the social media realm, showcasing your event requires more than just a social media post filled with pictures.  To truly capture the attention of your target audience, you must weave a compelling narrative around your event.

Simply posting on your platforms without a clear storyline just adds confusion and noise to the social media landscape. By sharing the event in a story framework, you’ll be providing clarity for your audience and boost engagement.  

I should know… I spent several years promoting nonprofit events as the agency’s marketing manager.  It didn’t take long to learn which posts fell flat and which ones got tons of engagement.  Below, find some of my best tips to showcase your event and rise above the noise in social media event marketing.

Spinning the Tale: Crafting a Compelling Event Narrative

Stories have a unique power to attract and engage. They help the audience visualize, feel, and connect with the event. How can we use this power?

For instance, if you’re organizing a charity run, you could start by sharing stories about the individuals or causes that stand to benefit from the proceeds. This adds a deeper layer of connection and purpose to the event, enhancing its appeal.

When crafting your story, think about the who, what, when, where and why of your event.

Unmasking the Real Stars: Celebrating the Unsung Heroes

Often, those who contribute the most are recognized the least. The spotlight often misses the event organizers, the volunteers, or even the attendees, who all play significant roles in making the event a success.

For example, highlighting a volunteer’s dedicated efforts in setting up a local fair, or celebrating an attendee who has never missed a yearly conference, can add a human touch to your promotion, drawing more interest and appreciation.

Vibrant Energy: Utilizing Visual Storytelling

Photos and videos aren’t just visual aids; they’re the life of your event’s story. They can capture the laughs, the cheers, the standing ovations – all elements that showcase the vibrant energy of your event. When photographing your event, go where the energy is.

For a music festival, capturing and sharing photos or short clips of attendees dancing, singing along, or simply enjoying the music can show potential attendees the electrifying atmosphere they can expect.

Through Their Eyes: Offering Unique Perspectives

An immersive perspective draws people in, making them feel part of the event. Think about the starting line at a marathon: the buzz, the nervous anticipation.  Get in there and get the video rolling as the gun goes off.  Capturing these moments from a participant’s perspective can make potential attendees feel as if they’re part of the action and want to join in next time!

Real Voices: The Impact of Testimonials

There’s no better promotion than a satisfied attendee singing praises about your event. Encourage attendees to share their experiences, what drew them to the event, and what they took away from it. These testimonials, shared as quotes or short video clips, can greatly enhance your event’s perceived value.  You can also use them next year to promote your event.

Capturing the Magic: Embracing Candid Moments

Not all magical moments are planned. Sometimes, the most touching, memorable parts of an event are the spontaneous reactions and interactions.

For example, sharing a video of an impromptu dance-off during a break in a conference or a photo of a speaker laughing heartily at a comment from the crowd can evoke emotions, making your event relatable and human.

Behind the Curtain: Acknowledging the Pillars of the Event

Recognition can boost morale and commitment among your event team while also showcasing the effort that goes into organizing the event. Consider spotlighting individuals or teams and sharing their stories or contributions.

Everyday Wonders: Expanding the Definition of ‘Event’

An event needn’t be a grand gathering. An event could be a customer unboxing and using your product, a team brainstorming session, or even a regular office day. By treating these moments as events, you can generate more content and engage your audience regularly.


1. How can I effectively tell a story about my event? Start by identifying the key elements of your event that are emotionally engaging or unique. These could be the cause behind a charity run or the preparation efforts for a community fair.

2. What are some ways to capture the energy of an event? Photos and videos are your best tools here. Capture diverse moments, from the intensity of a keynote presentation to the joyous cheering of the crowd.

3. How do testimonials help in promoting events? Testimonials offer a first-hand perspective of the event, providing a genuine and relatable promotion that can appeal to potential attendees.

4. How can I acknowledge the unsung heroes of my event? Feature them in your posts, acknowledge their contributions in captions, conduct quick interviews, or share behind-the-scenes shots that highlight their efforts.