5 Misconceptions About Social Media Management and Why They’re Wrong

The digital age has brought us unlimited information, narratives, news, and connections around the clock. At the center of this is social media.  At its heart lies social media. Astonishingly, over half (50.64%) of the world’s population engages with social media, and of the 4.57 billion internet users, 83.36% are active on these platforms. Given that ubiquity, one would think that hiring managers would place a premium on having elite social media skills.  Surprisingly, this usually isn’t the case. Let’s dive into some common misunderstandings about social media and debunk them once and for all.

  1. Anyone can run social media accounts for a business.

  • Reasoning: In an age where almost everyone has a personal social media account, it’s easy to assume that managing a business account is just as straightforward.
  • Reality: While anyone can indeed create posts, effective social media management requires strategy, an understanding of analytics, and the ability to engage with audiences in a meaningful manner. It’s about crafting a brand voice, measuring ROI, and setting long-term goals. Personal use doesn’t equate to professional aptitude.
  • Case in point: Imagine inviting Gordon Ramsay to your home-cooked dinner. While both you and Ramsay use stoves and pots, the depth of expertise differs vastly. Similarly, while anyone can post, mastering social media strategy, brand voice, and analytics requires a higher level of expertise. 
  1. Social media success is based on luck.

  • Reasoning: Viral posts often seem to come out of nowhere, leading some to believe it’s all about catching lightning in a bottle.
  • Reality: Behind almost every viral post is a dedicated team analyzing trends, crafting content, and strategizing their release times. While there’s always an element of unpredictability, success in social media leans more on informed strategy than blind luck.
  • Case in Point: Remember the “Ice Bucket Challenge”? While it seemed spontaneous, its spread was a masterclass in understanding online user behavior and leveraging celebrity reach.
  1. Social media management is only for young people.

  • Reasoning: Digital natives, or those who grew up with the internet, often seem to have an inherent understanding of social platforms.
  • Reality: Effective social media management is about understanding human connection, storytelling, and strategy – skills that aren’t age-exclusive. Many experienced professionals bring a wealth of knowledge from traditional media that can be incredibly valuable in the digital space.
  • Case in Point:  I am 52 years old and have worked in marketing since 1994 and digital media since 2000.My deep understanding of leveraging community, copywriting, blogging and consumer behavior has been built over many years. That understanding and knowledge of current social media trends make my knowledge and approach stand out. Experience, strategy, and timeless skills aren’t age-restricted.
  1. Social media management is not a real job.

  • Reasoning: Given that many people use social media for fun, there’s a notion that turning it into a job is just an extension of a hobby.
  • Reality: Social media management involves content creation, analytics, customer service, strategy development, and more. Businesses invest significant resources because they recognize the tangible results a well-managed social presence can produce. Like any profession, it requires skill, dedication, and continuous learning.
  • Case in Point: Consider Vincent van Gogh, whose art was underappreciated in his time but is priceless today. In our era, businesses invest heavily in social media, recognizing its massive ROI potential. Crafting posts, analyzing data, and engaging users isn’t leisurely scrolling—it’s a profession demanding dedication.
  1. Social media management is not a specialized skill.

  • Reasoning: The DIY nature of social media, combined with an array of online tutorials, might make it seem as if professional training isn’t necessary.
  • Reality: While basic posting might not need specialized skills, effective social media management certainly does. Crafting campaigns, interpreting analytics, predicting trends, and understanding platform algorithms are all specialized areas of expertise.
  • Case in Point: Just as owning paint doesn’t make one Picasso, having access to social media platforms doesn’t make one an expert. Take John, who decided to DIY his startup’s social presence, only to see limited engagement. He then hired a specialist who overhauled the strategy, utilized platform-specific tools, and boosted visibility manifold.

Social media, in its deceptive simplicity, has given rise to numerous misconceptions. To recognize its true value and potential, it’s essential to debunk these misunderstandings. Like any tool, its efficacy relies not just on its inherent features, but on the skill and knowledge of the one wielding it.


What Are Social Media Listening Tools?

What Are Social Media Listening Tools?

Social media listening tools, also known as social media monitoring tools, are software applications designed to monitor social media platforms for mentions of specific keywords, topics, or brands. These tools allow businesses to track and analyze social media conversations, engagement, and sentiment about their brand, products, or services. They use algorithms to monitor social media platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and others and identify specific keywords or hashtags related to the business. This can include the business name, product name, competitors, industry terms, or any other relevant keywords or topics.

Benefits of Using Social Media Listening Tools:

  1. Monitor brand reputation: By monitoring social media conversations about your brand, you can identify any negative comments or complaints and respond quickly to address them.
  2. Track competitors: Social media listening tools can help you monitor your competitors’ social media activity, track their marketing strategies, and identify opportunities to differentiate your brand.
  3. Identify trends: Social media listening tools can help you to identify trends in your industry or market, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve and adjust your marketing strategy accordingly.
  4. Engage with customers: By monitoring social media conversations, you can identify opportunities to engage with customers, answer their questions, and respond to their comments or concerns.

Examples of Social Media Listening Tools:

There are many social media listening tools available on the market, each with its own features and capabilities. Here are a few examples of popular social media listening tools that a brand can use:

  1. Hootsuite Insights: Hootsuite Insights is a social media listening tool that allows businesses to monitor conversations about their brand on social media. The tool offers real-time analytics, sentiment analysis, and competitive insights.
  2. Mention: Mention is a social media monitoring tool that allows businesses to monitor brand mentions across the web, including social media platforms, blogs, and news websites. The tool also offers sentiment analysis and competitive insights.
  3. Brandwatch: Brandwatch is a social media listening tool that offers advanced analytics and insights, including sentiment analysis, demographic data, and influencer identification. The tool also offers competitive analysis and audience insights.
  4. Sprout Social: Sprout Social is a social media management tool that also includes social listening features. The tool allows businesses to monitor social media conversations, track brand mentions, and analyze sentiment. Sprout Social also offers reporting and analytics features.
  5. Awario: Awario is a social media listening tool that allows businesses to monitor brand mentions across social media platforms, blogs, forums, and news websites. The tool offers sentiment analysis, influencer identification, and advanced filtering options.

When selecting a social media listening tool, it’s important to consider your specific needs and goals, as well as the features and capabilities of each tool.

Free Social Media Listening Tools:

While free social media listening tools may not offer the same advanced features and capabilities as the paid tools mentioned above, they can still provide valuable insights into social media engagement and brand mentions. Here are a few examples of free social media listening tools:

  1. Google Alerts: Google Alerts is a free tool that allows businesses to monitor mentions of their brand across the web. The tool sends email alerts when it detects new mentions of specific keywords or topics.
  2. Social Mention: Social Mention is a free social media monitoring tool that allows businesses to monitor mentions of their brand on social media platforms. The tool offers sentiment analysis, keyword tracking, and influencer identification.
  3. TweetDeck: TweetDeck is a free social media management tool that allows businesses to monitor and manage multiple Twitter accounts. The tool allows businesses to track mentions, hashtags, and keywords, and offers real-time engagement tracking.
  4. Facebook Insights: Facebook Insights is a free analytics tool that allows businesses to track engagement, reach, and audience demographics for their Facebook page. The tool also allows businesses to monitor mentions of their brand on Facebook.
  5. YouTube Analytics: YouTube Analytics is a free tool that allows businesses to track engagement and audience demographics for their YouTube channel. The tool also allows businesses to monitor comments and mentions of their brand on YouTube.



Ways to Use LInkedIn To Build Your Business

How to Use LinkedIn to Build Your Business

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for marketing your business and connecting with potential customers, clients, partners, and employees.  But, beyond simply posting your news and updates, how do you effectively use it in building your brand strategy? Here are some ways to take your LinkedIn game to the next level. 

Define Your LinkedIn Target Market

Before you even get started with the tips outlined below, start by determining your target market on LinkedIn. This is an essential first step in creating an effective marketing strategy on this or any platform. It requires a deep understanding of your product or service, current customers, and market trends. By analyzing this information and using LinkedIn’s targeting options, you can create an effective marketing strategy that reaches your ideal customer profile on the platform. Here are some steps to help you determine your target market on LinkedIn:

  1. Define your product or service: Start by defining your product or service and identifying its unique features, benefits, and value proposition. Consider what problems your product or service solves and who would benefit most from it.
  2. Analyze your current customers: Analyze your current customers and identify common characteristics, such as demographics, job titles, industries, and interests. This information can help you identify your ideal customer profile.
  3. Conduct market research: Conduct market research to identify trends, preferences, and behaviors in your target market. Use this information to refine your ideal customer profile and identify new opportunities.
  4. Use LinkedIn’s targeting options: Use LinkedIn’s targeting options to reach your ideal customer profile on the platform. You can target by location, company size, job title, industry, and more.
  5. Test and optimize: Test different targeting options and refine your strategy based on your results. Monitor your campaigns and adjust your targeting as needed to ensure you’re reaching the right audience.

Create a LinkedIn Company Page

A LinkedIn Company page can be a powerful tool for branding your business and connecting with potential customers, clients, partners, and employees. Here are some ways you can use a LinkedIn Company page to build your business:

  1. Optimize your Company page: Make sure your Company page is complete and includes all relevant information, including a Company description, logo, cover image, and contact information.
  2. Share content: Share relevant content that is valuable to your target audience. This could include news, blog posts, and industry insights. Engage with your audience by asking questions and responding to comments.
  3. Showcase your products and services: Use your Company page to showcase your products and services and provide information about your offerings.
  4. Leverage employee advocacy: Encourage your employees to share your Company’s updates and content on their personal LinkedIn profiles to increase your reach and credibility.
  5. Post job openings: Use your Company page to post job openings and attract top talent to your organization.
  6. Analyze your performance: Use LinkedIn’s analytics tools to track the performance of your Company page and optimize your content and strategy accordingly.

Create a Lead Magnet

Creating a lead magnet is a great way to generate leads for your business and will help you fully harness the power of LinkedIn to grow your business. Here are some steps to help you create a lead magnet and put it to use:

  1. Define your target audience: Before creating a lead magnet, determine who your target audience is on LinkedIn. Consider their interests, pain points, and goals.
  2. Choose a format: Choose a lead magnet format that will resonate with your target audience. This could be an eBook, white paper, case study, checklist, template, or webinar. 
  3. Determine your topic: Choose a topic for your lead magnet that is relevant to your target audience and provides value. Consider topics that address common pain points or challenges your target audience faces.
  4. Create your content: Use your chosen format and topic to create your lead magnet. Be sure to provide high-quality, valuable content that is engaging and easy to consume.
  5. Design your lead magnet: Design your lead magnet to make it visually appealing and easy to read. Use a professional design tool or hire a designer to help you create a polished look.
  6. Promote your lead magnet: Promote your lead magnet on LinkedIn to generate leads. Use LinkedIn Sponsored Content, LinkedIn Ads, and LinkedIn Groups to promote your lead magnet to your target audience.
  7. Measure your results: Use LinkedIn’s analytics tools to track the performance of your lead magnet. Analyze your results and adjust your promotion strategy as needed.

LinkedIn Groups

LinkedIn Groups are a great way to build your business by connecting with like-minded professionals in your industry or niche. Here are some ways you can use LinkedIn Groups to build your business:

  1. Join relevant groups: Join LinkedIn Groups that are relevant to your business and target audience. Look for groups that are active and have a large number of members.
  2. Engage in discussions: Participate in discussions in the groups you’ve joined. Share your expertise, ask questions, and provide valuable insights. Questions that come up can also guide the lead magnets you create. Be sure to follow the group’s rules and guidelines.
  3. Promote your content: Share your blog posts, articles, and other content in the groups you’ve joined. Be sure to provide context and add value to the discussion.
  4. Build relationships: Use LinkedIn Groups to connect with other members who share your interests and goals. Offer to help others and seek out opportunities to collaborate.
  5. Establish yourself as an expert: Share your knowledge and expertise in the groups you’ve joined. Offer to answer questions and provide guidance.
  6. Create your own group: Consider creating your own LinkedIn Group focused on your business niche or industry. This can be a powerful way to build your brand and connect with potential customers, clients, partners, and employees.
  7. Monitor group activity: Keep an eye on group activity and stay up-to-date on the latest trends and discussions in your industry. This can help you stay ahead of the curve and identify new opportunities for growth.

Utilize LinkedIn Ads

LinkedIn Ads can be a powerful tool to build your business by reaching your target audience on the platform. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Set your advertising objectives: Before you start your LinkedIn Ads campaign, determine your advertising objectives. Do you want to increase website traffic, generate leads, or build brand awareness? Your objectives will guide your ad creation and targeting.
  2. Choose your ad format: LinkedIn offers several ad formats, including sponsored content, sponsored InMail, display ads, and dynamic ads. Choose the format that best fits your advertising objectives and audience.
  3. Define your target audience: Use LinkedIn’s targeting options to define your target audience. You can target by location, company size, job title, industry, and more. Be sure to target the right audience to maximize your ad performance.
  4. Set your budget: Determine your budget for your LinkedIn Ads campaign. LinkedIn Ads offers several bidding options, including cost per click (CPC), cost per impression (CPM), and cost per send (CPS).
  5. Create your ad: Use LinkedIn’s ad creation tools to create your ad. Be sure to follow LinkedIn’s ad guidelines and best practices. Use engaging visuals, clear messaging, and a strong CTA (call-to-action).
  6. Launch your campaign: Once you’ve created your ad and defined your targeting, launch your campaign. Monitor your campaign performance and make adjustments as needed.
  7. Analyze your results: Use LinkedIn’s analytics tools to track the performance of your ad campaign. Analyze your results and adjust your targeting, ad format, or messaging as needed.

Take Advantage of LinkedIn Sales Navigator

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a premium tool provided by LinkedIn that allows you to leverage the power of the platform to build your business. It is designed to help sales professionals, marketers, and business owners find and connect with potential customers, partners, and collaborators more efficiently and effectively.

Here are some of the key features of LinkedIn Sales Navigator:

  1. Advanced search: With Sales Navigator, you can use advanced search filters to identify potential leads based on criteria such as location, industry, company size, job title, and more.
  2. Lead recommendations: Sales Navigator provides you with personalized lead recommendations based on your search criteria, as well as insights into how these leads are engaging with your content.
  3. InMail: With Sales Navigator, you can send direct messages (InMail) to potential leads, even if you are not connected with them on LinkedIn.
  4. Account and lead insights: Sales Navigator provides you with insights into your target accounts and leads, including news and updates, job changes, and mutual connections.
  5. Team collaboration: Sales Navigator allows you to collaborate with your team to share leads, accounts, and insights.

Here are some ways that you can use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to build your business:

  1. Identify potential leads and prospects: Use Sales Navigator to search for and identify potential leads and prospects based on your target criteria.
  2. Engage with potential leads: Use InMail and other communication tools to engage with potential leads and build relationships.
  3. Gain insights into your target accounts: Use Sales Navigator to gain insights into your target accounts, including news and updates, job changes, and mutual connections.
  4. Collaborate with your team: Use Sales Navigator to collaborate with your team and share leads, accounts, and insights.



Why Social Media?

Social media marketing can be essential for small businesses for many reasons. It offers many benefits: increased visibility, cost-effectiveness, customer engagement, targeted advertising, and detailed analytics and insights. By leveraging social media platforms effectively, small businesses can grow their brand and reach new customers in a way that is both efficient and cost-effective. Here are just a few reasons you should have a social media strategy to build your business: 

  1. Increased Visibility: Social media platforms have billions of active users, meaning businesses can reach a vast audience through marketing campaigns. This increased visibility can help small businesses attract new customers and raise their brand awareness.
  2. Cost-Effective: Social media marketing can be cost-effective for small businesses, as many platforms allow businesses to create accounts and post content for free. In addition, paid advertising on social media platforms is generally less expensive than traditional advertising methods.
  3. Customer Engagement: Social media platforms offer businesses the opportunity to engage with their customers more directly and personally. By responding to comments, messages, and reviews, small businesses can build stronger customer relationships and increase brand loyalty.
  4. Targeted Advertising: Social media platforms allow businesses to target specific demographics, interests, and behaviors with their advertising campaigns. This means that small businesses can ensure that their ads reach the right audience and increase the chances of converting viewers into customers.
  5. Analytics and Insights: Social media platforms offer businesses detailed analytics and insights into their marketing campaigns. This information can help small businesses to refine their strategies and make data-driven decisions that improve their ROI.

However, one mistake many people make is simply posting to maintain a presence, like throwing spaghetti at the wall and hoping it sticks. Instead, you need a campaign with clear goals and tactics, which requires careful planning and execution. Here are some steps a business can take to create an effective social media campaign:

  1. Set clear goals and objectives: A business should determine what it wants to achieve before developing a social media campaign. This may include increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving website traffic.

  2. Identify the target audience: A business should identify its target audience to ensure its social media content is relevant and engaging. This may include researching the demographics, interests, and behaviors of the audience.

  3. Choose the right social media platforms: Not all social media platforms are created equal, and different platforms have different audiences and engagement rates. Therefore, a business should select the platforms its target audience uses most frequently.

  4. Develop a content strategy: A content strategy outlines the types of content a business will post on social media and how often. The content should align with the business’s goals and be tailored to the target audience.

  5. Create engaging content: The content should be visually appealing, informative, and relevant to the audience. It should include a mix of images, videos, and text and use a consistent brand voice.

  6. Use paid advertising: Paid advertising can be an effective way to reach a larger audience and achieve specific business goals. In addition, a business should consider using targeted ads on social media platforms to reach its desired audience.

  7. Monitor and measure results: A business should regularly monitor and measure the results of its social media campaign to determine its effectiveness. This may include tracking metrics such as engagement rates, website traffic, and lead generation.

By following these steps, a business can develop an effective social media campaign that reaches its target audience, achieves its goals, and helps grow its brand.